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Marine Stocks

Marine Stocks is a list of public traded marine companies trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.

December 06, 2024
Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume Percent
GLNG Golar LNG Limited (USA) 42.13 42.50 41.00 42.45 1456295 0.40%
CTRM Castor Maritime Inc 3.41 3.47 3.39 3.41 38941 0.29%
DAC Danaos Corporation 80.88 81.80 80.72 81.37 232141 0.27%
NMM Navios Maritime Partners L 49.20 49.48 48.16 48.82 155977 -0.45%
SB Safe Bulkers, Inc 4.02 4.08 3.81 3.84 1009295 -0.52%
PSHG Performance Shipping Inc 1.80 1.82 1.75 1.76 63228 -0.56%
ASC Ardmore Shipping Corp 11.38 11.43 11.14 11.33 1366341 -0.61%
KNOP Knot Offshore Partners LP 5.73 5.79 5.63 5.70 69417 -0.70%
CMRE Costamare Inc 13.33 13.45 13.02 13.21 247047 -0.75%
SFL Ship Finance International Limited 10.61 10.61 10.32 10.47 715007 -0.85%
KEX Kirby Corporation 120.51 120.51 118.28 119.01 384210 -0.92%
NAT Nordic American Tanker Shipping Limited 2.71 2.73 2.66 2.68 2350322 -1.11%
GASS StealthGas Inc 5.19 5.19 5.04 5.14 278152 -1.15%
INSW InsWeb Corporation 37.50 37.62 36.65 37.06 1005188 -1.30%
ESEA Euroseas Ltd 40.14 40.43 38.54 39.11 44906 -1.36%
STNG Scorpio Tankers Inc. 49.41 49.51 48.13 48.80 636043 -1.51%
NVGS Navigator Holdings 15.68 15.68 15.21 15.38 292364 -1.66%
TRMD Torm AS (ADR) 19.93 19.96 19.41 19.63 1514568 -1.75%
DHT DHT Maritime Inc 9.60 9.63 9.26 9.42 1868721 -1.77%
TK Teekay Corporation 6.40 6.40 6.16 6.25 1214994 -2.34%
TNK Teekay Tankers Ltd 40.00 40.12 38.48 38.77 382894 -2.61%
PXS Pyxis Tankers 3.70 3.70 3.55 3.60 42658 -2.70%
DLNG Dynagas Lng Partners LP 4.56 4.59 4.36 4.47 25093 -2.83%
FRO Frontline Ltd 15.71 15.73 15.11 15.29 3513228 -2.98%
LPG Dorian Lpg Ltd 23.42 23.42 22.46 22.69 1000047 -3.03%
SBLK Star Bulk Carriers Corp 16.50 16.51 15.67 15.98 3939270 -3.03%
DSX Diana Shipping Inc 1.91 1.92 1.86 1.86 901351 -3.12%
GOGL Golden Ocean Gp 9.88 9.89 9.45 9.56 2474814 -3.53%
GLBS Globus Maritime Limited 1.39 1.40 1.32 1.35 45644 -4.26%
EDRY Eurodry Ltd 13.13 13.54 13.11 13.15 4410 -4.50%
GNK Genco Shipping & Trading Limited 15.75 15.76 15.02 15.03 499668 -4.51%

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Marine Stocks List

Marine Stocks list are marine stocks that are trading on the OTCBB market.

December 05, 2024
Symbol Chart Company Open High Low Close Volume Percent
WNDW Solarwindow Technologies Inc 0.3500 0.4200 0.3500 0.4200 16932 31.25%
KWHIY Kawasaki Heavy ADR 17.3500 17.9000 17.2970 17.9000 4414 16.69%
FINGF Finning International Inc 27.7740 28.1440 27.7550 28.1440 1504 4.47%
AFSIP Amtrust Financial Services Dep Pfd 14.6000 14.6000 14.0100 14.0100 1075 -3.38%
AFSIC Amtrust Financial Services Inc Pfd. C 14.5000 14.5000 14.5000 14.5000 700 -3.97%

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